The Veterans' Stress Project
_Help us
genuinely serve those who have so valiantly served us.
An estimated 35% of US military personnel returning from combat zones are suffering from the effects of
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
The Veterans Stress Project offers FREE non-invasive, drug-free, support that has been demonstrated to be effective,
to ANY US Veteran with military related stress.
Our society did little to support the veterans returning from Vietnam with PTSD. The result was thousands of lives ruined by alcohol and drug addiction, mental illness, suicide, hypervigilance, and spousal abuse—to say nothing of the high emotional and medical costs borne by society as a whole.
We now face a stark choice. Will we repeat this mistake with our veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan?
Or will we be here for them?
The Veterans’ Stress Project is determined to make a difference.
It provides free or low cost EFT, the most used form of Energy Psychology, to ANY Veteran with military related stress.
It is also demonstrating the effectiveness of EFT in on-going clinical trials.
Trial volunteers receive 6 FREE drug-free EFT sessions.
CLICK HERE to see a video of vets using EFT
To get further details Contact: Soul Medicine Institute
(707) 237-6951,
or email [email protected].
In Southern California - Vets’ Stress Project Coach
Pat Farrell 760-961-4027 [email protected]
Sessions can be in person, by phone or by Skype
An estimated 35% of US military personnel returning from combat zones are suffering from the effects of
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
The Veterans Stress Project offers FREE non-invasive, drug-free, support that has been demonstrated to be effective,
to ANY US Veteran with military related stress.
Our society did little to support the veterans returning from Vietnam with PTSD. The result was thousands of lives ruined by alcohol and drug addiction, mental illness, suicide, hypervigilance, and spousal abuse—to say nothing of the high emotional and medical costs borne by society as a whole.
We now face a stark choice. Will we repeat this mistake with our veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan?
Or will we be here for them?
The Veterans’ Stress Project is determined to make a difference.
It provides free or low cost EFT, the most used form of Energy Psychology, to ANY Veteran with military related stress.
It is also demonstrating the effectiveness of EFT in on-going clinical trials.
Trial volunteers receive 6 FREE drug-free EFT sessions.
CLICK HERE to see a video of vets using EFT
To get further details Contact: Soul Medicine Institute
(707) 237-6951,
or email [email protected].
In Southern California - Vets’ Stress Project Coach
Pat Farrell 760-961-4027 [email protected]
Sessions can be in person, by phone or by Skype
_Energy Psychology is a set of therapies that work directly on the body
to produce psychological change. They bypass the process of talking
extensively about past traumas, which often simply reinforces the
negative experience. Instead, they make use of visualization or verbal
statements to reframe problems, accompanied by very specific routines
employing breathing, tapping, or massage. This combination of recall of
past traumas, coupled with physical stimulation, has been found by
thousands of ordinary people, as well as physicians, therapists,
coaches, and psychiatrists, to produce startling and permanent relief of
the emotional charge associated with traumatic events.
Energy Psychology is a set of therapies that work directly on the body to produce psychological change. They bypass the process of talking extensively about past traumas, which often simply reinforces the negative experience. Instead, they make use of visualization or verbal statements to reframe problems, accompanied by very specific routines employing breathing, tapping, or massage. This combination of recall of past traumas, coupled with physical stimulation, has been found by thousands of ordinary people, as well as physicians, therapists, coaches, and psychiatrists, to produce startling and permanent relief of the emotional charge associated with traumatic events.
Watch EFT Video Extensive research has demonstrated a strong correlation between unprocessed emotional trauma and disease. People with unprocessed emotional wounds are thirty times more likely to attempt suicide, as well as having higher rates of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and depression. Energy Psychology assists healing by releasing the charge around emotional distress. Psychologists and doctors accustomed to long healing time for their clients are often startled at how quickly long-standing traumas can be resolved by Energy Psychology techniques.
Energy Psychology is a set of therapies that work directly on the body to produce psychological change. They bypass the process of talking extensively about past traumas, which often simply reinforces the negative experience. Instead, they make use of visualization or verbal statements to reframe problems, accompanied by very specific routines employing breathing, tapping, or massage. This combination of recall of past traumas, coupled with physical stimulation, has been found by thousands of ordinary people, as well as physicians, therapists, coaches, and psychiatrists, to produce startling and permanent relief of the emotional charge associated with traumatic events.
Watch EFT Video Extensive research has demonstrated a strong correlation between unprocessed emotional trauma and disease. People with unprocessed emotional wounds are thirty times more likely to attempt suicide, as well as having higher rates of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and depression. Energy Psychology assists healing by releasing the charge around emotional distress. Psychologists and doctors accustomed to long healing time for their clients are often startled at how quickly long-standing traumas can be resolved by Energy Psychology techniques.