STRESS Is The Nation's #1 KILLER!
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), stress is causal or contributory in 90% of illness and disease. According to Peter Schnall's Unhealthy Work, stress has exploded to an invisible, $1 trillion health epidemic. That's more expensive than the cost of cancer, smoking, diabetes, and heart disease combined. Even the National Institutes of Health (NIH) suggests that stress is causal or contributory in 85% of visits to the doctor or hospital.
While our natural fight or flight response to outside threats is one of evolution’s great success stories (e.g. fleeing a saber tooth tiger), much of that fight or flight response is now in reaction to situations where neither response is appropriate. Deadlines, traffic, relationship or financial struggles, and many other fears that we have developed over the years, signal our internal medicine chest to release hormones that, over time, can have a negative effect on our well-being. Energy medicine has the ability to easily and non-invasively redirect habitual physiological and behavioral habits for managing physical or mental stress.
During periods of stress, adrenalin and cortisol are released, speeding the heart rate, slowing digestion, diverting blood flow to major muscle groups (and away from brain functions), and endangering various other autonomic nervous system functions. Our hormonal structure is a very delicate balance and even the slightest disturbance can have drastic effects on our immune and endocrine systems. Western medicine has documented that stress seems to be a contributing factor to everything from cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome to backaches and insomnia.
Harnessing your stress response can be a simple as doing a Five Minute Energy Routine on a daily basis. It can be as involved as discovering early childhood situations that contributed to belief systems that now attract or create situations to prove our beliefs correct. Our minds are extraordinarily creative and the Law of Attraction works whether we are focusing on positive or negative ideas. I love the quote, "Worrying is nothing more than negative goal setting."
While our natural fight or flight response to outside threats is one of evolution’s great success stories (e.g. fleeing a saber tooth tiger), much of that fight or flight response is now in reaction to situations where neither response is appropriate. Deadlines, traffic, relationship or financial struggles, and many other fears that we have developed over the years, signal our internal medicine chest to release hormones that, over time, can have a negative effect on our well-being. Energy medicine has the ability to easily and non-invasively redirect habitual physiological and behavioral habits for managing physical or mental stress.
During periods of stress, adrenalin and cortisol are released, speeding the heart rate, slowing digestion, diverting blood flow to major muscle groups (and away from brain functions), and endangering various other autonomic nervous system functions. Our hormonal structure is a very delicate balance and even the slightest disturbance can have drastic effects on our immune and endocrine systems. Western medicine has documented that stress seems to be a contributing factor to everything from cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome to backaches and insomnia.
Harnessing your stress response can be a simple as doing a Five Minute Energy Routine on a daily basis. It can be as involved as discovering early childhood situations that contributed to belief systems that now attract or create situations to prove our beliefs correct. Our minds are extraordinarily creative and the Law of Attraction works whether we are focusing on positive or negative ideas. I love the quote, "Worrying is nothing more than negative goal setting."
See simple exercises below - Check calendar for EFT trainings