ENERGY MEDICINE - Natural Healing at its BEST!

Natural healing methods can relieve:
>Anxiety and Depression
>Pain and Physical Discomfort
>Trauma, Stress and PTSD as well as
>Conditions Resulting from Physical, Emotional
and Sexual Abuse.
EFT Tapping and Energy Medicine can also alleviate: Symptoms of disease, including autoimmune disorders.
Since 1995, I have successfully worked with all these physical and emotional challenges and more, using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Energy Medicine, Acupressure, KIneseology, and Clinical Hypnotherapy, providing dramatic relief in thousands of cases.
Your body is designed to heal itself.
Let me help it do its job!
□ Stress □ Panic/Anxiety □ Anxiety □ Anger
□ Trauma □ Depression □ Addictions □ Fears
□ PTSD □ Public Speaking □ Phobias □ Grief □ Physical, Emotional and Sexual Abuse □ Anxiety
AND Hundreds of physical symptoms:
□ Pain Relief □ Headache □ Breathing Difficulties □ Food Sensitivities □ Arthritis
□ Symptoms of Disease □ Women’s Issues □ Asthma □ and Much More...
Pat Farrell is an expert in natural healing having practiced some form of natural healing since 1995. She has practiced EFT / Tapping since 2000, is certified in Donna Eden's Energy Medicine, and is a Clinical Hypnotherapist.
In a world where modern medicine has fabricated the myth that nature’s way is wrong, Energy Medicine brings us back to the truth: our body’s own wisdom can help us heal. Don’t get me wrong, if I’m broken or bleeding, I’m heading to the Emergency Room. Then get me the heck out of the hospital! However, to think that there is a pill for every ill that we experience, is to invite unnecessary distress to our natural healing capabilities.
Energy Medicine endorses positive thinking and also helps us in achieving good thought habits by releasing old situations. It gets under those things that keep us stuck when we really have a difficult time believing what we affirm. See the other sections on specific forms of Energy Medicine that I practice.
Sign up below for Energy Healing Therapies Monthly Newsletter
>Anxiety and Depression
>Pain and Physical Discomfort
>Trauma, Stress and PTSD as well as
>Conditions Resulting from Physical, Emotional
and Sexual Abuse.
EFT Tapping and Energy Medicine can also alleviate: Symptoms of disease, including autoimmune disorders.
Since 1995, I have successfully worked with all these physical and emotional challenges and more, using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Energy Medicine, Acupressure, KIneseology, and Clinical Hypnotherapy, providing dramatic relief in thousands of cases.
Your body is designed to heal itself.
Let me help it do its job!
□ Stress □ Panic/Anxiety □ Anxiety □ Anger
□ Trauma □ Depression □ Addictions □ Fears
□ PTSD □ Public Speaking □ Phobias □ Grief □ Physical, Emotional and Sexual Abuse □ Anxiety
AND Hundreds of physical symptoms:
□ Pain Relief □ Headache □ Breathing Difficulties □ Food Sensitivities □ Arthritis
□ Symptoms of Disease □ Women’s Issues □ Asthma □ and Much More...
Pat Farrell is an expert in natural healing having practiced some form of natural healing since 1995. She has practiced EFT / Tapping since 2000, is certified in Donna Eden's Energy Medicine, and is a Clinical Hypnotherapist.
In a world where modern medicine has fabricated the myth that nature’s way is wrong, Energy Medicine brings us back to the truth: our body’s own wisdom can help us heal. Don’t get me wrong, if I’m broken or bleeding, I’m heading to the Emergency Room. Then get me the heck out of the hospital! However, to think that there is a pill for every ill that we experience, is to invite unnecessary distress to our natural healing capabilities.
Energy Medicine endorses positive thinking and also helps us in achieving good thought habits by releasing old situations. It gets under those things that keep us stuck when we really have a difficult time believing what we affirm. See the other sections on specific forms of Energy Medicine that I practice.
Sign up below for Energy Healing Therapies Monthly Newsletter
ENERGY MEDICINE - Natural Healing at its BEST!